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Swingers Page 7

  I sat down. “So how has everyone been?”

  We all started chatting, catching up on each other’s lives. The drinks flowed and so did the food. Erica was the manager at a bank, Cheryl did marketing for a huge company, and Sarah was an editor. We discussed our jobs but more importantly, our love lives, or lack thereof.

  “I had the best sex last night,” Erica laughed. “This guy went for hours, I thought only young boys did that.”

  Cheryl was giggling uncontrollably. “That’s nothing girl, last weekend, this guy Eric had a cock that seriously went down to his knee. I am not fucking kidding you.”

  My eyes shot up in shock as did Sarah’s. “Holy shit, did you get a picture? I need to see a picture!” I exclaimed.

  “Hell yeah, I did! I wasn’t about to not document the biggest cock I have ever seen! And when it got hard, it was monstrous. I got scared, girls. It fit in about halfway I would say but damn, the man could fuck. And any time I wanted it deeper, there was always more cock to take in.” Cheryl wiggled her eyebrows and grinned. “I am still sore!” She laughed and pulled out her phone showing us pictures.

  Sarah shook her head. “That is crazy but there is proof. Would you see him again?”

  Cheryl nodded. “Of course! The sex was amazing. We are going out to dinner tomorrow night.”

  I was slightly jealous listening to Cheryl and Erica discuss their sexcapades. I needed one of my own. “I got nothing to report; my sex life has been nonexistent. Just me and King still.” We all laughed and Sarah nodded in agreement.

  “I hear ya, girlfriend. All I have been having myself is Kong.” She chuckled and I couldn’t help but laugh. Kong was a funny name for it.

  After the table had been cleared, we decided to hit a bar down the street. Drinks and dancing were just what I needed to unwind.

  The bar was pretty packed. There were some hot men sitting at the bar. I offered to get drinks while the others went to find a table.

  I slid up to the bar, squeezing in between two very delicious looking men. One turned to the girl beside him while the other turned to look at me. I could feel his eyes roaming over my body and then back up to my face. I flushed a bit at the feeling of being checked out.

  “Hey there,” he said, “Can I get you a drink?”

  I looked up at him under my eyelashes, fluttering them a tiny bit. I shrugged my shoulders, thrusting my chest a bit higher. “Sure, but you would have to buy for my friends too.”

  He chuckled, a small smile playing on his lips. Damn his lips were sexy.

  “Only if you will give me a dance.” He said while winking at me.

  “Okay, that’s fair enough. I am Charlotte. And you are?”

  “Max. Nice to meet you.” He said as the bartender came over to us. I ordered the drinks, including another beer for him, and then we walked over to the table the girls had snagged.

  They glanced up at us, their faces looking surprised. “Hey guys, this is Max. He bought our drinks for us.”

  “Oh thank you.” Cheryl said as she handed the drinks around the table. Sarah and Erica nodded in thanks as well. “Let’s toast to us!” Cheryl said and we all tapped glasses.

  Max didn’t waste any time. “Enjoy your drinks, ladies! This one here owes me a dance.” He grabbed my hand and whisked me off to the dance floor, my friends watching us in wonder.

  Max was a great dancer. I followed his lead as he grinded his hips into me. It was so seductive; I could feel Max growing hard against me. I pushed my ass into his erection, making him grind even harder. The music pulsed around us and the atmosphere was dark and dangerously sexy, I was lost in the moment. A few times, we stopped for another drink, doing some shots in between. Sarah had already called it a night but Cheryl and Erica were enjoying dancing on the floor with a couple of studs.

  The alcohol coursed through me. I was pissed drunk. The wine at dinner and then the wine and shots here have gotten away from me. Next thing I knew I was riding in a cab with Max.

  Chapter 3

  I woke up suddenly, my heart pounding, not knowing where I was. I felt a wave of nausea hit me and I sat up, scanning the room for a bathroom. I made it just time, getting sick in the toilet.

  I barely remembered what happened the night before, nor did I remember much of the sex. Max was still sound asleep in the bed and this must be his apartment.

  I took a deep breath. Time for the walk of shame.

  I quickly dressed, left him a note with my number, and sneaked out the door.

  Phew. I definitely didn’t feel up to the morning after breakfast.

  I took a cab to the restaurant from last night, thankfully seeing my car still parked there. I made it home and crawled back into bed. I felt like complete shit and needed to sleep my night off.

  A few hours later, I had felt much better. Sleep, food, coffee, and a nice hot bath were just what I needed. Sarah was on her way over. She was dying for a recap of last night. And I was dying to tell her the decision I made earlier.

  Sarah entered the apartment in a flurry, kicking the door shut behind her. I had the left the door unlocked for her knowing she loved to bust right in. She set down the take out and wine on the counter; my stomach wasn’t so sure about the wine.

  Sarah turned toward me, her eyes darkening. “Spill it, girlfriend.”

  I laughed. She tried to look menacing and sexy all rolled into one but it didn’t work out that well. “Well from what I can remember, I went home with him and we had sex. I remember bits and pieces but a lot of it is hazy. I know I had an awesome time at the bar, all of us dancing like fools.” I grinned and continued on. “But then next thing I knew, I was in a cab with him and then we were having sex. When I woke up this morning I had no clue where I was and I got sick in the bathroom. I’ve been pretty hung over all day. But it was worth it, I enjoyed getting it on with a man. At the same time I am not satisfied.”

  Sarah glanced at me, a concerned look etched across her face. “You? Not satisfied? What to do you mean?”

  I shrugged and looked down at my table. “I think I am ready for a relationship now with a respectable, fun man. I just can’t find one. He will come eventually though, I hope anyway.” I laughed and shook my head. I looked up at Sarah. “So in the meantime, I think it’s time to focus on something else in my life. My career is great; now I want to do something for myself. I think I am going to look into getting myself a house.”

  Sarah’s eyes widened. “Wow, Charlotte. That’s a huge step. An amazing one though, to own your own place. You wouldn’t mind taking the step alone?”

  I shook my head. “No, I think I can handle it on my own. I have the money and why not invest it since I work so hard to earn it? If I ever meet the man for me, we could settle in my home or we could sell it to move in together somewhere else. I could also rent it out, too. There are many options available and I just feel like it’s time I take this step.”

  Sarah nodded in agreement. “I think you will be fine too. You are one strong, independent, smart cookie. I am so excited, let’s start house shopping now!”

  I laughed. “I actually have begun researching some realty companies around here. There’s a small one across town that has rave reviews and has been in business for several years. Alpha Realty is the name. I was going to call them tomorrow.”

  “Yes, I have heard of them. Well by their signs anyways, they seem to be selling any house around here. I bet they are good.”

  “Good. So you will help me too?” I asked her.

  “Of course! I watch house shows all the time, I love looking at them. What did you have in mind?”

  We continue talking about houses and what we both like as we eat and drink. I only had a small taste of wine. Max had texted my phone a couple of times but I didn’t answer. I wasn’t really interested in seeing him again.

  The next morning, I had a couple of patient cancellations so I decided to call the realty company. I let them know what I was looking for and they said the next realtor with an
opening would be in touch with some matches for me. I felt butterflies swarming in my stomach. I could just feel this was going to be a great choice for me but it was a huge step.

  The day passed by quickly and as I was driving home, my cell phone rang with a number I didn’t recognize. It was in the area so I picked it up.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Hi, I am looking for Charlotte Russe? Is she available?” A deliciously sexy voice asked, sending shivers down my spine instantly. Who was this man?

  “ is her.” I stammered out. What the hell was wrong with me?

  I could hear him chuckle. “I am Cole Everett, realtor with Alpha Realty. I was assigned your profile earlier and I wanted to let you know I found some matches.”

  I couldn’t believe what this man’s voice was doing to me. My panties were getting wet just listening to the words come out of his mouth and this was just over the phone. What was going to happen when I met him in person?

  Holy shit, Char. Get it together and speak.

  I took a deep breath and spoke. “Oh. Okay. Great. Umm, what’s the next step then?

  Omg, I sounded like a complete idiot.

  “Well, we could go over what I found or I could just take you to them when we set up a time to meet. What would you prefer?”

  “Ummm.” Think Charlotte, think. You speak to people all day long. “Why don’t we meet first?” I wanted to see what this man looked like. I was practically orgasming just talking to him.

  “Sounds great to me, where and when?” He asked.

  “How about tomorrow around 5 at the coffee shop downtown? Herbal Sensation?”

  “Sure, see you then, Charlotte Russe.” He slurred the words, sex dripping off them, and I wanted to come right there. He hung up and I sat in the driveway, not able to move.

  What the fuck just happened to me? A man’s voice has never done that to me before.

  I had no idea what I was feeling. All I know was that man’s voice was fucking sexy as hell and I couldn’t wait for our meeting tomorrow.

  Chapter 4

  I couldn’t stop thinking about him all day at work. This mystery Cole Everett had dug himself into my brain and I couldn’t shake him out. I just had to see who he was and why his voice did that to me. A desire so strong had gone through me; this man had to be something.

  A part of me was hoping the attraction would not be there in person because I don’t even know if I could handle that type of attraction. It was intense. I barely focused on my patients today. I did as best as I could but my attention kept going someplace else.

  Finally the time arrived to head to the coffee shop. It was almost 5pm and I was dying to see this Cole. I snuck up to the shop and peaked inside, seeing if I could spot someone. I didn’t notice anyone sitting by themselves so I walked in and waited behind the few people in front of me.

  Suddenly, I felt an electricity feeling from behind, running a shock right through me.

  What the hell? I turned and sure enough, it was him. It had to be him. He was in a suit and carrying a binder that said Alpha Realty on it. He was gorgeous. Drop-dead gorgeous. He had dark features, deep brown eyes piercing mine, and a strong, sexy jawline. There was a bit of a five o’clock shadow. I let my eyes travel the rest of the way down his body, following his muscles, all very well defined through the suit. I could see some tattoos sticking out of his neck collar and the sleeves of his shirt. I almost melted on the spot.

  He grinned down at me. “Like what you see? You must be Charlotte.” He reached out his hand to shake mine and I just looked down, frozen. A flush crept across my face and up my neck. Holy fucking shit. He is even more gorgeous than I thought.

  I finally gather the strength to shake his hand and then I followed his lean, tall frame to his gorgeous face. Our eyes locked. I gasped, the sparks flying between us, killing any thoughts I may have had. “Umm…yes, yes, I am Charlotte. And you must be Cole.”

  He laughed at the obvious discomfort I was feeling. He must know what he does to women or maybe just me. He grabbed my hand and led me over to table, pulling a chair out for me. His hand in mine, made my legs quiver and desire swirled hard and fast in my belly. I pulled my hand away slowly as I sat down.

  “I am sorry if my taking your hand bothered you; you had just seemed frozen to the spot and there was a huge group of people coming in behind us. I figured we should’ve gotten out of the way.” He smiled at me, flashing me a set of bright white teeth.

  Could he get any more perfect? I feel like I am in a fantasy right now.

  “It’’s okay. I just was expecting…” I trailed off as he raised an eyebrow at me.

  “You were just expecting? What? An older, fat guy?” He asked me as he reached his arm across the back of the booth. His dress shirt stretched taut against his muscles and I thought I was going to faint. This man was too much.

  If only he would whisk me away into the bathroom right now to fuck me senseless…

  I shook off the thought. “I don’t know. Anyway, let’s get started shall we? What have you found?”

  He laughed and leaned in closer. I could smell his intoxicating scent, a musky scent mixed with cologne. I needed to focus. He licked his lips and said softly, “Yes, here are the listings that matched what you are looking for.”

  He spread them out in front of me, keeping his head close to mine.

  I had to ignore him and just focus on the listings or I would ravish him right here, right now in front of all of these people. I didn’t even fucking care. This man was driving my insides wild.

  I focused on my breathing and the sheets in front of me. I couldn’t clear my head though. He made my head spin.

  “Do any seem like ones you would want to look at?” He asked me.

  I didn’t even really look at them. Shit. “Um, yeah! All of them! All of them sound great!” I quickly stood up, unsure of what I was doing.

  He looked confused. “You’re going already? But we haven’t finished discussing everything yet.”

  I flushed and could feel my legs shaking. “I know, but I’m sure what you found was great. Just text me a time and place for this weekend. I am free most of the weekend, hopefully you are as well.”

  Before he could say anything I rushed out of the coffee shop, feeling his eyes burning into my back.

  Great Charlotte, just great. Like he is going to work with me now. I am such a fucking idiot.

  I hurried home, so mortified I wanted to cry. I called Sarah on my way home.

  She could hear my concern as soon as she answered. “What’s wrong Hun? What happened?”

  “I don’t know what happened. He is so fucking hot, I lost my mind. I couldn’t think, or speak, or even control my actions. He had me all flustered. And then like a complete fool, I just fled the coffee shop. I am so embarrassed. I can never see him again.” I said.

  “Aw Char, it’s okay. He must’ve been really something to do that to you. You usually carry yourself very well around attractive men. Look how quickly you brought Max home the other night, and I don’t mean that in a bad way.” Sarah said.

  “I know love, I know what you mean. But I don’t know about this man. He is something different, something I can’t even explain. Even when I talked to him the first time on the phone, his voice drove me crazy. Desire was coursing through me and when he came up behind me in line at the store, I could feel his presence before I even knew it was him.”

  “Damn girl.” Charlotte whistled through her teeth. “I don’t even know what to say. I wish I could’ve experienced that for myself.” She laughed.

  “It is pretty crazy. But he is a bad boy, oozing with sex appeal. I am sure he has women at his beck and call. Not the type I am looking for.” I said.

  “Hey you never know. So are you going to see him again?”

  “Yes, he is going to show me the houses he found for me. I hope I can make it through without combusting or better yet, orgasming as we view each house.” I giggled and Sar
ah laughed loudly.

  “Oh my God, Charlotte, you kill me. Maybe you can have some sex in one of the empty houses.” Sarah was still laughing.

  “What a story that would be, huh? I will keep you updated on what happens. I told him to set up something for Saturday.” Nothing would happen, he was not my type. I am simply finding a house for myself. I would ignore my feelings and think of this as solely a business transaction. I could do that right?

  Chapter 5

  The week passed slowly and all I could think about was seeing Cole on Saturday. He had texted me the day after our disastrous meeting, saying he would meet me at the first house on the list at 10am. I tried to put him in the back of my mind but he was all I could think about.

  The attraction was strong; I had never felt anything like it before. If he didn’t reek of the word dangerous, I would be all over it. But I just had a feeling I would be playing with fire if I pursued my feelings for him.

  Maybe I did want to be burned though. It would be fun. And so sexy.

  No, no. I didn’t want the hurt that would eventually come with it.

  Saturday morning had arrived. I got up early and prepped myself as if I had a big date. I don’t know why but I wanted to wash, shave, and lotion every part of me. Finally when I was dressed, I headed over to the first house on the list.

  I pulled up and there he was standing on the front porch. I could’ve spotted him a mile away. My stomach did a few flip flops, desire running deep inside me. There it was again. I could feel all of my coherent thoughts going out the window. Fuck, I needed my head right now. Get it together Charlotte.

  I parked my car and got out, taking a deep breath. I could do this.

  I walked up to Cole confidently, my head held high. He was watching me intently. I did my best to fight the feelings, keeping things professional. He smiled. “Good morning, Charlotte. Glad to see you again.”

  “Thank you, glad to see you again as well, Cole.” I smiled and he opened the door to the house.