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Swingers Page 10
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Page 10
Okay, maybe that last one was a little bit forced (pun intended.)
Although butt sex is still technically illegal in some states, there wasn't really much risk of the penal system getting involved (okay I'll stop now.) So for my next item, I wanted to do something where there was an actual fear of being caught involved, and proceeded to fuck a random stranger in a public park after he responded to one of my online personal ads. That went pretty well, that is until I snapped the sink off the wall from the force of his thrusts and he took off running, and I was left in a stupor as a cop pulled up and got ready to arrest me for my depravity. Luckily for me, his own depravity was just as great, and I escaped the stoney lonesome by sucking on his bony lonesome, adding a nice little side-accomplishment to my list of erotic milestones-sexual bribery of a law enforcement official.
God, I needed some new goals in my life...
Anyway, after that whole debacle, my next challenge was to engage in sweet sweet lovemakin' with a fellow member of my fair female sex, a feat that I wasn't entirely sure about, as its fulfillment had some mighty damn heavy implications when it came to questions of my established sexuality. But as it turned out, Olivia, the girl I met online for this very experimentation, was an absolute marvel in the sack, and the two of us shared an exquisite sexual chemistry, doing more scissoring in a weekend than an entire art class full of kindergarteners. And actually, I think that had ended up being one of the most goddamn satisfying flings I'd had up to that point, so much so that I felt as though I might very much like to establish an ongoing thing with her once this was all over...
But that's beside the point.
Once I clawed myself from the tantalizing clutches of crotch-rubbing tribadism, my most recent sexual escapade was to get boned by a big black cock. Michael was this dude's name, and GOD did he have a monster on him. I could barely get that goddamn thing inside me... Shit... My ass still throbs just thinking about it...
And oh, didn't I mention? He butt-fucked me with the goddamn thing. The little motherfucker...
But, I can't deny that it was mighty goddamn satisfying being stretched out like that, and my anal orgasm was about twice as strong as the first one had been, if only for the fact of the pain that came along with it. But, I had asked for it I supposed, and a thick dick up the ass beats a sharp stick in the eye any day, so I had no real complaints.
I had, however, required a break after that to let my body recuperate from such horrible insertions, and I'd since allowed an entire week to lapse by before continuing on my course for intercourse, during which time the mounting anxiety of mounting a married man began to give me second thoughts, thoughts I had to shake away if I wanted to overcome them and have him cum all over me.
God, I'm just full of the wordplay today. I guess it just comes out in talking about scenarios that make me nervous, much as this present one was doing.
Deep down, I sort of didn't want traffic to pick up, afraid, as I was of the prospect of actually going through with this instead of just fantasizing about it, but of course I just kept justifying it to myself. He'd said in his messages that he'd been married for twenty-five years, a fucking year longer than I'd even been alive, but that things had grown stale between his wife and him. He was a successful businessman, and his wife had grown spoiled at home as a result. He'd been wanting so badly to leave the bitch-I mean, his wife, for years, but he was afraid that it would hurt his two kids if he did so (and oh yeah, his fucking kids were almost my age... That went down well.) He said he wanted to wait to break up with her until the kids were both through college, and that in the meantime he was lucky if his shrew of a wife slept with him on his birthday and Christmas, so he had to get his nookie on the side where he could find it.
And for tonight, it looked as though I was his nookie on the side.
I could live with that, I told myself, though in spite of my shameless defamation of monogamy, I still felt like I might be stepping over a line that was tantamount to unforgivable, forever after making me an adulteress...
But I wouldn't think about that. No. I wouldn't...
In less than five minutes, I would be going to meet him in his family's second home, abandoned, where he told his wife he was staying alone whenever he went out of town on business.
Any guilt that would be felt would be entirely in his court, not in mine...
I was going through with this, I was going through with this, I was going through with this...
I pulled up to the curb in front of the number of the house he'd given me, and turned off my car.
I stepped out, and walked up to the entrance.
With more effort than such an insubstantial physical feat has ever cost me, I curved my wrist, and rapped three times on the door.
I was fucking going through with this...
Chapter 3
Pictures of his fucking kids gawked wide-eyed at me as he led me by the hand through his spacious house. His son appeared to be about a teenager, and his daughter was just nearly about the age to be my fucking contemporary. The guilt swelled up in me, and the last pangs of trepidation loomed large, like God hovering over my head, threatening to strike us both down the instant the adulterer whipped his big veiny dick out to put it in me.
But then I caught glance of his cunt of a wife in one of them, and she really did look as awful as he described her in his e-mail, with an upturned nose, a ridiculous amount of procedures visibly performed on her that tried and failed to make her look young again, and a sort of contemptuous expression that made it plain that she thought the entire rest of the world was beneath her.
Fuck her, then!
Like a great weight being suddenly pulled up from around my neck, I officially didn't feel bad about it anymore. Nervous, sure, but more concerned for consequences should the two of us get caught than I felt genuinely guilty about what I was about to do.
He led me into his bedroom, and closed the door behind us.
I gazed over at the bed, its surface as vast and rolling as an Amish field, and it was impossible not to envision him lying there with his wife, the two of them getting intimate, perhaps making the babies that had grown up to be about my age...
But then I felt his hand on my face, turning me toward him, and I gazed into his eyes, nervous, but put somewhat at ease by the application of his touch.
Without saying a word, he pulled me toward him, and our lips pressed together, and my anxiety ebbed away, replaced by the marvelous flavor of his breath, the prickling of his slight stubble against my cheek, and the warmth of his arms around me.
Yeeeeeah... Fuck monogamy!
He pulled my body deep into his own, the heat of his skin radiating into me through the fabric of his clothes, his hands clutching my ass, digging into me, taking ownership of me for the evening, his temporary wife, and the thought of it turned me on like you wouldn't believe. My breasts swelled up against his firm chest, and his raging hard erection pressed into my waist through the fabric of his dress pants. I wrapped one arm around his neck, sweaty and slick with perspiration, and I reached up with the other to run my fingers through his salt and pepper hair, soft and fluffy and wonderful as it slid like silk through my grip, and my body began to heat up with desire.
We cleaved ourselves apart after some time, and I swear to God my cheeks must have been flushed scarlet, his blushing bride, and he was smiling at me, so young and so easily flustered. It sank in, suddenly, how tiny I felt in comparison to him, not that he was fat or anything like that, but like his frame was enormous towering over me, probably at least double my own weight, and Goddddd, if that didn't get me slipping and sliding between the thighs to consider.
“Time for your unveiling,” he said, and God, oh God, the age difference was really sinking in, his almost fatherly level of experience contrasting so starkly with my near-virginal innocence (okay, that's a crock of shit right there, but just let me have my fantasies.)
He pulled me back into him, exerting his pelvis forward, so that his coc
k jabbed me rather forcefully in the gut, as though to strip away any doubts whatsoever as to his indecent intentions. His fingers slid down along my body, his palms sizzling through the fabric of my skin-tight blouse, and he hooked his grip into the hem of the fabric, pulling it up from off of me, revealing the sweaty, heaving planes of my dinky little abdomen, my flat stomach convulsing with the efforts of my heavy breathing, my breasts perky and aroused beneath the skimpy little cups of my thin black bra.
He put his hands on my tits, pushing them around and around on my chest, and I pushed my head back, sighing, fluttering with delight, whatever the hell that might entail, but I sure as fuck was fluttering.
He wasted no time in peeling me out of the bra, unhooking it with such expertise that I might have been the hundredth young woman he'd deflowered that day. He slid the straps down along my bony little shoulders, and pulled out my lovely little fun bags, leaning in, and making a meal of my titties, kissing on the nipples, running his tongue around and around their perimeters, and then licking the tops of the two of them, caressing them with his hands, doing just about everything he could to give service to my mighty mammaries just sort of sticking his dick into my cleavage and having sex with them.
I rolled my head around and around and around, savoring how well I was being serviced, and shuddering as he pulled playfully on my nipple with his teeth, letting it settle gradually back into place on my body, and then letting his hands slide down, down, down, sinking beneath the fabric of my skirt, skimming like a latex glove across the little round hill of my ass, and pulling both skirt and panties, down, down, down, along my thighs, to my knees, all the way down around my ankles, and there I stood, naked as a newborn, the smiling lips of my meat wallet sparkling like a fountain with arousal, so grossly indecent that I shyly closed my thighs to obscure my lady bits from view.
I shrieked as my adulterous Romeo reached over and picked me up by the ass, my legs wrapped around his waist to keep me from falling, and brought my face up to his, the two of us continuing to kiss, as he carried me over to the bed in the style of a newlywed wife.
He placed me gently down on top of the surface of the bed, my hair pooling all around me like a halo, and my breasts sifting gently up on my chest with the force of gravity, my breathing heavy as he pulled his lips away from me, and proceeded to run kisses all along down the course of my body. He kissed my neck, making me squirm, and giggle like a teenager, and continued his way down, my clavicle, my breasts, down along the slick course of my abdomen, sucking on my belly button as though it was an additional orifice, and in that moment it was one, tingling with a sensation I'd thought impossible for a fucking navel, and continuing down, down, down, past the clean shaven swath of my pubic triangle...
My eyes went wide, and my fingers curled into the bedspread, my body shaking, my knees trembling so badly I thought I might end up giving the poor bastard a concussion.
He devoured my pussy like a slice of the sweetest, most delectable wedding cake, smearing his face so full of it it was like that tradition where the bride and groom stuff a big hunk of it into one another's neatly kept mouths. He sucked, and licked, and huffed, and puffed, and blew my brains out with his oral meanderings, lapping in circles, zigzagging and curlicuing and spiraling and nibbling and muff-huffing and scoring major bonus points as he pinballed up against the button of my clitoris, and oh God, oh God, oh God, yes, yes, YESSSS!
I didn't just think those words, actually, I moaned them like a banshee, as well as some other rather profane utterances, “Oh God, oh fuck, oh fuck, ohhhhh, yes, yes, yes...”
He pulled away, smiling, and it felt like the mercury in a thermometer coming to a sudden and drastic drop, my body shivering, quaking with sweat, as I stared down at him between my open thighs, watching him stand up, and loosen his tie from the collar of his dress shirt. He pulled it out, and unbuttoned the shirt, button by button by button, driving me mad with the fucking tension, at last peeling his body out of it, and slipping out of the undershirt he wore beneath.
His chest was phenomenal. The flanks rippled like those of a race horse, the pecs glistening with perspiration, the six pack abdominals standing out in clear, almost startling definition, and the v-lines of his Adonis muscle so deep that a girl could get lost in them if she weren't careful. God, was he in fucking terrific shape for being half a goddamn century old...
And then, Lord help me, he reached for the fly of his dress pants, unbuttoning himself, and undoing the zipper, wriggling down out of the things with some difficulty, the fabric getting stuck on his boner, but at last making its way past, to sit in a crumpled heap on the floor. His blazing erection stretched out the fabric of his boxers so insanely that I thought as he peeled them off that an imprint of his cock would remain embedded into them once they were off his body.
And there he was. Naked, horny as a bastard, with that long, strong, veiny cock staring at me, swaying from his body, a little dribble of jizz seeping out the tip.
I kept my thighs suggestively splayed open for his consideration, and he smiled.
Finally, he put his hands together, and slowly pulled the wedding band from off of his ring finger, then reached around, and opened up a drawer of the dresser behind him. When he turned back around, my breath stopped, as suddenly he was holding a black velvet jewelry box in his hand, looking at me intently.
Holy shit!
I was breathless, my mind reeling, but at the moment I expected him to get down on one fucking knee and propose, he opened up the box...
It was a gold ring, sure as hell...
A gold cock ring...
My astonishment turned into a look of devilish lust, and he smiled right back at me, loving the fact of having duped me, and savoring the chance to use this most exquisite piece of jewelry on me directly.
I watched him slide the metal thing down along the length of his shaft, with some difficulty, as right away it got stuck around his immense bulbous tip, but soon he pushed on past, pushing the ring to his base, and his penis swelling up to a great, metal-solid red rocket.
He slipped into bed with me, and pulled my body into him, his great white Moby Dick sliding along my skin as we groped one another up to the necessary levels of depravity.
He rolled over on his back, and I climbed up on top of him, straddling his waist, and smiling like a demon.
“Oh... Oh... Oh...” I whimpered, as I lowered my self down onto him, and his engorged penis pierced the fleshy sanctity of my body, sinking, sinking, sinking, the tip, every last fucking inch of that incredible shaft, all the way up to his base, until finally my ass touched down on him, and every bit of his manhood was lost inside the sweet hot cave of my vagina.
I put my hands on his chest for support, and began to rock.
I writhed, pumping my chest forward, my breasts bouncing, my abdomen flexing like a snake, as I felt the God-wonderful sensation of my pussy grinding against his pelvis, the fleshy lips distorting, pulling, and flowing around the abrupt obstacle of his penis. The cold metal of the cock ring surged through my body any time my pussy happened to graze it, and I moaned as I pumped, putting my hands on my breasts and pushing them together for his enjoyment and my own arousal, closing my eyes, and listening to him sighing, “Ohhhhh, yeeeeeeah....”
I started bouncing on him, harder, harder, harder, his cock plunging deeper and deeper into the wet sanctity of my nether-regions, the sensations beginning to mount, and moans beginning to issue forth from my quivering lips, “Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...”
And I shrieked, as suddenly the world seemed to shift around me, our limbs tangled together, and my face hitting the bed as he flipped me over like a pancake on a grill.
He pulled out of me, lifting my body up with his hands, and repositioning me on all fours, into the doggy style I was becoming so familiar and enamored with at this point.
He crammed himself back inside, and picked up precisely where we'd left off, but with him in control of the fucking this time, his massive body stuttering i
nto mine like a fucking jackhammer, the smacking of our pelvises making my ass jiggle, our skin making loud, wet, slapping noises as he pounded my lights out, and my tits banging uncontrollably against my chest.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh FUCK!”
And he gave one last, loud SLAM into my weary body, holding himself firmly in place, and his cock throb, throb, throbbed, and then came the cum, spilling out in thick, juicy currents of extramarital bliss, spurting through the thin cave of my pussy, and filling me up. The sensation roared through my body like a hurricane, twisting and banging through me, ripping me to my foundation, and making me shake like a sheet in the fucking wind.
He pulled out of me, with a gross, slimy pop, and I lowered myself down off of my hands, my ass sticking exhaustedly up in the air, as I tried to get my bearings about me.
I gasped, however, as I felt his tongue once again enter me, without warning, and in a moment I realized he was slurping up all the cum he'd just blasted into me, running his tongue around and around and around until he'd gathered up every last drop, and sending me through another slight tremble of climax in the process.
When at last he'd extracted every last drop, he pulled me up next to him in the bed, and put his lips against mine. We passed the tangy, salty load back and forth and back and forth between the two of us as we kissed, our lips stringing together with threads of his seed between each great gulp.
At last I swallowed the byproduct whole, sticking out my bare tongue for his inspection, which of course led to him leaning in, and continuing to kiss me.
It was all the unbridled sexual bliss of a honeymoon without the whole pesky “marriage” bit ever coming into play.